A Soldiers Thoughts - Photo's.

The Poems:

The Poems Introduced

Soldiers Reverie
Golden bells
Sunset on the Sea
To a Bell-bird
Moonlit Ocean
Desert Sands
Sailing to War
Italian Holiday
Orsogna Interlude
A Letter
Last Night
We Four
Home is where the Heart is
A Passing Thought


Ian McNeur, 7 Feb 1943
Cairo Studio Egypt
Chronology of Ian's war
Glossary of terms
The Story
Diary - trip to Africa (only)
Some of Ian's photo's

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Please be patient - the images will likely take some time to load. This is why they are split over several pages.

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The Wreckage of Cassino      Ian's papers      Cassino Reunion

Ian McNeur, "ready for the days lectures", Sigs School, Africa 12 Feb 1943

23 Battalion - 18 Platoon, Company HQ & Signals, Embarking to Italy - Alexandria Wharf Oct 1943.

Ian Muldrew left rear (edge), Colin Campbell 3rd from L rear, Cam Wilson below the short officer (center rear), Frank (Coy Clerk) at Cam's left shoulder, Ian McNeur at tall officer's right shoulder (beside the tall, stooped soldier with the beanie), 'Bambino' 4th from right rear (looking to the right over the 3rd from right soldiers shoulder). Ian thinks the tall man standing right of center with hands clasped in front of him is Sgt Johnston who repulsed the german attack on Jittery Ridge. Note - the officers are wearing the flat hats.
This photo taken by War correspondants, and appeared in the New Zealand newspapers (Wellington Evening Post?), where Ian obtained a copy from after the war. It has the number P2717 on the rear.

The Italian campaign Sept 43 - Jun 44.

2 NZ Division fought from the Sangro River to Orsogna before shifting to the Cassino front.
Image source: Spring 1994 NZ Defence Journal Quarterly. Click on the map for an enlarged version.

23 Btn milers at the Volturno sports day

l-r: Ian Muldrew, Fred Marrett & Snowy Wild

Jittery Ridge, D Coy HQ

L to R: Ian Muldrew (18 Platoon runner), Cam Wilson (Sigs), Ian McNeur (holding the dixie - Sigs), unknown (thought to be a runner for one of the Platoons), Cecil McIntosh (with binoculars - CSM), Colin Campbell (at rear - Sigs), Graham 'Bambino' French (CO's Batman), Major 'Slugger' Slee (D Coy CO).

Jittery Ridge, one of the D Coy Platoons - 16, 17 or 18.

I'd appreciate being advised of any clues as to who these people are.

Next pages -
The Wreckage of Cassino      Ian's papers      Cassino Reunion

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